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Reducing tobacco consumption

  • We collect information on tobacco consumption in Estonia mainly through three surveys:

- The Health Behaviour among the Estonian Adult Population Survey (HBS)

- The Estonian Adult Health Survey (TUSU), the Health Behaviour among School-aged Children Survey (HBSC)

- ESPAD (European School Survey on Tobacco Products and Consumption in Estonia)

  • We have carried out surveys on smoking among doctors and on smoking attitudes in society in general
  • See all tobacco survey reports on the website or search for data in the health statistics database

Health promotion and prevention

  • Contributing to a tobacco-free environment in communities, childcare facilities, workplaces - organising information sessions for employers and employees, offering free health promotion advice for workplaces
  • Provide evidence-based information to decision-makers and policy-makers
  • We develop guidance and information materials for teachers, employers, health professionals and counsellors, and other professionals
  • We are a signatory to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), which aims to prevent the serious health consequences of tobacco use in the population


  • Coordinating tobacco cessation counselling clinics and training health professionals and pharmacists
  • Helping pharmacies to develop tobacco cessation counselling services

Training and outreach activities

  • Organising tobacco cessation campaigns
  • We manage the website and the portal for health professionals

Activities and targets in the area of tobacco reduction are agreed in the Population Health Development Plan 2020-2030.

Our activities are based on the principles endorsed in the Green Paper on Tobacco Use.